Adelaide BioMed City officially launched

Posted 30 November 2018

We’re proud of the company we keep and were honoured to recently play host to the official launch of the world-leading $3.6 billion Adelaide BioMed City (ABMC), one of the largest health and life sciences precincts in the Southern Hemisphere.

Located adjacent to the Centre at the western end of North Terrace, ABMC comprises the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI); The University of Adelaide’s Health and Medical Sciences facility; The University of South Australia Cancer Research Institute; and the new Royal Adelaide Hospital. Held in our Panorama Ballroom overlooking the precinct, November’s launch signaled the formalisation of the Adelaide BioMed City Collaboration Agreement— a partnership between SAHMRI; The University of Adelaide; The University of South Australia; Flinders University and the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN).

As part of the agreement, the parties also shared their official vision, mission and goal.

Vision: Health and wealth through collaboration.

Mission: To be a globally recognised collaboration leading in research, education, clinical care and population health.

Goal: To build impact, leverage investment and inform evidence-based health care and innovation in ways that could not be achieved separately.

“We were delighted to help celebrate the official launch of Adelaide BioMed City. The precinct’s positioning right on our doorstep has certainly helped bolster Adelaide’s reputation as a leading and innovative medical conference capital,” comments Simon Burgess, General Manager, Adelaide Convention Centre.

“Medical conferences currently account for approximately one-third of our business here at the Centre. To that end, the collaboration is not only between ABMC partners, but also extends to the Centre itself. We’ve worked hard to form a strong alliance with precinct partners; any conference organiser coming to Adelaide has the opportunity to work with SAHMRI, UniSA and the University of Adelaide – or anyone else in the precinct – to source and confirm speakers, attract delegates and incorporate tours to enrich their program. The addition of SAHMRI II to the precinct 2021 will further propel Adelaide as the destination of choice for medical events.”